Welcome to The Clergy Letter Project

The Clergy Letter Project is an endeavor designed to demonstrate that religion and science can be compatible and to elevate the quality of the debate of this issue.


To learn more about The Clergy Letter Project, please browse our site.






* * * LATEST NEWS * * *

Do you care about truth, climate change and human dignity? If so, read the advice offered by The Clergy Letter Project to voters about the 2024 US presidential election here.

The Clergy Letter Project is evolving! Read about the changes taking place in this article that appeared in Religious Humanism

DoSER (Dialogue on Science, Ethics, & Religion, a part of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) interviewed Michael Zimmerman about the work of The Clergy Letter Project. You can read the interview here.

Read about the transformation from Evoution Weekend to Religion and Science Weekend - and the way clergy are changing the discussion about religion and science here.

Michael Zimmerman is interviewed about religion and science by Clergy Letter Project members Doug Pagitt, Executive Director of Vote Common Good, and Paul Wallace on the Common Good Podcast.   Listen to the discussion here.

Covalence Magazine, published by the Lutheran Alliance for Faith, Science and Technology, has a feature piece summarizing the activities of The Clergy Letter Project.   Read about our successes here.

Clergy Letter Project members participated in a survey assessing how their congregations are dealing with Covid-19.   Read about the results and the lessons learned here.

Clergy will not be political pawns in an unnecessary and divisive culture war.   Houses of worship will open when scientists say it's safe and not when politicians demand it.   Read about it here.

The despair we all feel about the covid--19 crisis is very real and it can be debilitating. How can we move past despair to producutive action and what does this have to do with The Clergy Letter Project?   Find some answers here.

The Climate Crisis Letter asks "How can we be good ancestors?" Clergy from around the world are signing on to educate and advocate for change.   Read about it here.

SparkDialogue has produced an interesting podcast about the compatibility of religion and science. It includes interviews with five members of The Clergy Letter Project.   Listen to it here.

TheHumanist.com has a good piece about the goals of The Clergy Letter Project.   Read it here.

Humanist clergy join The Clergy Letter Project with a new Clergy Letter.  Read about this wonderful new addition to The Clergy Letter Project family here.

Why are we celebrating Evolution Weekend 2019?  Read how religion and science often reach the same conclusions and teach us to combat hatred, to promote environmentalism and to encourage the teaching of evolution here.

The Clergy Letter Project now has more than 16,000 clergy on board! Read about what they're doing and what they stand for here.

Check out how The Clergy Letter Project has been mentioned in the media here.

* * * ENDORSEMENTS * * *

The Interfaith Solidarity Network has endorsed The Clergy Letter Project's Climate Crisis Letter.

The Humanist Clergy Letter has been endorsed by the Society for Humanistic Judaism and is supported by The Humanist Society.

The Clergy Letter Project has been officially endorsed by the Presbyterian Church (USA). The 2016 General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor on 22 June 2016.

The Clergy Letter Project has been officially endorsed by The United Methodist Church worldwide! The 2008 General Conference added the following statement to The Book of Resolutions: "The United Methodist Church endorses The Clergy Letter Project and its reconciliatory programs between religion and science, and urges United Methodist clergy participation." This statement was reaffirmed by the 2016 General Conference. To read a piece entitled "The Rightful Place of Science In Church" by Bishop Sally Dyck, Minnesota Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, click here. Similarly, click here to read a piece entitled "The Clergy Letter Project" by Bishop Ernest S. Lyght, West Virginia Annual Conference, United Methodist Church.


The Clergy Letter Project has been officially endorsed by the Presbytery of the Cascades, a governing body that includes 101 Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations in the states of Washington, Oregon and even one in Northern California! Read more about the endorsement here.


The Clergy Letter Project has been officially endorsed by the Southeast Florida Diocese of the Episcopal Church! Read more about the endorsement here.


The Clergy Letter Project has been officially endorsed by the Southwestern Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America! Read more about the endorsement here.